Practices of commemoration and remembrance of the Holocaust in Germany and Italy
online diskussion/web talk
Friday March 12th , 6 pm
Freitag 12. März, 18 Uhr
mit Repräsentant*innen von Projekten der politisch-historischen Bildungsarbeit aus Italien und Deutschland
Sprache: Englisch
Zoom-Registrierung : Bitte melden Sie sich per EMail an unter:
The event will also be live on facebook:
On the occasion of the European Day of the Righteous, two organizations, the Initiative Lern- und Gedenkort Hotel Silber and the Gariwo Foundation, present two webinars to reflect on the importance and role of the Memory of the Holocaust in Germany and Italy. The first event is dedicated to actual practices and concerns of remembrance and commemoration and their function as a vector for the responsibility towards the present. It will be realized with particular attention to activists, educators, tutors and young people.
Elke Banabak, Initiative Lern- und Gedenkort Hotel Silber
Simone Zoppellaro, GARIWO
Our guests on the panel will be:
- Petra Quintini, Tobias Rieger and Lorenzo Cusati, „Friedenscamp/Campo della Pace Sant´Anna di Stazzema“, a cooperative project of Die AnStifter, Naturfreundejugend Württemberg, Initiative Lern- und Gedenkort Hotel Silber, Associatione Martiri di Sant´Anna di Stazzema, Parco della Pace Sant´Anna di Stazzema, Commune di Stazzema:
- Sabrina Di Carlo, founder of „Spostiamo Mari e Monti„, an APS located in Torino, born to promote and disseminate the values of Resistance and Historical Memory, working on projects about active citizenship based on peer education and travelling;
- Martin Gansen, teacher (History and Social Studies) and Manoel Tavares, actor, drama teacher, stage director, cooperative „Julius-Baumann- Project“ at the Johann-Friedrich-von-Cotta-Schule, Stuttgart, and Antonio Mayimona, student, participant of the project´s drama group
- Dr. Francesco Ferrari, coordinator of „Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies“, the JCRS is based at the University of Jena, it provides a trans-disciplinary approach towards the dynamics of reconciliation processes for societies in conflict or transition
Starting from contemplation of horrible atrocities in the past – how can our work be relevant today? How can we inspire activism in our societies? How can we contribute to prevent the resurgence of hatred and nationalism, starting from a reflection on Fascism and Nazism? What kind of education is required? How about the balance between an emotional approach and the teaching of historical facts? What are the experiences taking place at this regard in Germany and Italy, and how can we reinforce a common conscience appreciation and awareness of Memory with a transnational approach?
These are just some of the points we would like to address in our panel, where we talk about the practical experiences in our projects and exchange reflections, ideas and perspectives with each other and with the audience.
How to register:
please send an email to:
to get the registration link
Practices of commemoration and remembrance of the Holocaust in Germany and Italy
online diskussion/web talk
Friday March 12th , 6 pm
Freitag 12. März, 18 Uhr
mit Repräsentant*innen von Projekten der politisch-historischen Bildungsarbeit aus Italien und Deutschland
Sprache: Englisch
Zoom-Registrierung : Bitte melden Sie sich per EMail an unter:
The event will also be live on facebook:
On the occasion of the European Day of the Righteous, two organizations, the Initiative Lern- und Gedenkort Hotel Silber and the Gariwo Foundation, present two webinars to reflect on the importance and role of the Memory of the Holocaust in Germany and Italy. The first event is dedicated to actual practices and concerns of remembrance and commemoration and their function as a vector for the responsibility towards the present. It will be realized with particular attention to activists, educators, tutors and young people.
Elke Banabak, Initiative Lern- und Gedenkort Hotel Silber
Simone Zoppellaro, GARIWO
Our guests on the panel will be:
Starting from contemplation of horrible atrocities in the past – how can our work be relevant today? How can we inspire activism in our societies? How can we contribute to prevent the resurgence of hatred and nationalism, starting from a reflection on Fascism and Nazism? What kind of education is required? How about the balance between an emotional approach and the teaching of historical facts? What are the experiences taking place at this regard in Germany and Italy, and how can we reinforce a common conscience appreciation and awareness of Memory with a transnational approach?
These are just some of the points we would like to address in our panel, where we talk about the practical experiences in our projects and exchange reflections, ideas and perspectives with each other and with the audience.
How to register:
please send an email to:
to get the registration link